For the first day since I got sick I was going outside. First I enjoyed the sun a bit in the rose’s garden. Then my dad invited me for a visit and afterwards we were at a nice greek restaurant for some calamares and ouzo. Veeeeery delicious. Hey…I finally can taste something again! Today it was quite hot (car display showed 32 degrees) and it was really nice to be outside again. My flu still stresses me but I hopefully will have passed it soon. After returning home I was at the Tagblatt for a icecoffee with Ilina. We had a nice talk and watched part of the fifa worldcup 2006 game Brazil vs. Australia that ended 2:0 at the bigscreen there. I couldn’t hold Ilina back from ordering a hot black tea with lime for me which wasn’t bad at all but not exactly the right drink for the weather (but for my flu it was!). As it got windy we left and I escorted her back to her car. Thanks to you people for a nice day.