Some Wii news…

Today I finally found the time to try out some new stuff on my beloved Nintendo Wii. First of all I downloaded the Nintendo Channel which delivers news about new games for the Wii and the NintendoDS. A very nice feature are the demo versions of several NintendoDS games you can download onto your NintendoDS and try them out. I already tested this one and it works very well. You can get detailed informations on full retail games aswell as games for the Virtual Console (I lately bought one of my alltime favourite game on it: The last ninja) and the newly introduced WiiWare. Especially the videos of the games are a nice feature because you can have a closer first look on the games without having to surf to one of the gaming sites. I think the first WiiWare game I’ll give a shot will be Final Fantasy Chronicles: My life as a king. It looks promising, got some very nice ratings and a strategy game is one thing still missing on my Wii. More up soon.